
The following are abbreviations used for different bible translations and chapters in the bible.

Bible translation abbreviations

(AS) - American Standard Version;

(AMP) - Amplified Bible;

(AP) - Aramaic of the Peshitta (Lamsa);

(BB) - British Basic Edition

(CE) - Contemporary English Version

(DBY) - Darby's

(ET) - a translation from Greek or Hebrew by Ed with God's help

(HC) - Holman Christian Standard Bible

(IC) - International Children's Bible

(JPS) - Jewish Publication Society (Tanakh)

(KJ) - King James Version

(KT) - Koren Tanakh Jerusalem

(NAS) - New American Standard Updated

(NC) - New Century Version

(NI) - New International Version

(NJ) - New Jerusalem Bible

(NKJ) - New King James

(NL) - New Living Translation

(NRS) - New Revised Standard

(LXX) - Septuagint

(TE) (GN) - Today's English Version (Good News Translation)

(TL) - The Living Bible

(MSG) - The Message

(YL) - Young's Literal Translation

Bible Chapter Abbreviations

Ac - Acts

Am - Amos

1 Ch - 1 Chronicles

2 Ch - 2 Chronicles

Col - Colossians

1 Co - 1 Corinthians

2 Co - 2 Corinthians

Da - Daniel

Dt - Deuteronomy

Ecc - Ecclesiastes

Eph - Ephesians

Est - Esther

Ex - Exodus

Eze - Ezekiel

Ezr - Ezra

Gal - Galatians

Ge - Genesis

Hab - Habakkuk

Hag - Haggai

Heb - Hebrews

Hos - Hosea

Isa - Isaiah

Jas - James

Jer - Jeremiah

Job - Job

Joel - Joel

Jn - John

1 Jn - 1 John

2 Jn - 2 John

3 Jn - 3 John

Jnh - Jonah

Jos - Joshua

Jude - Jude

Jdg - Judges

1 Ki - 1 Kings

2 Ki - 2 Kings

La - Lamentations

Lev - Leviticus

Lk - Luke

Mal - Malachi

Mk - Mark

Mt - Matthew

Mic - Micah

Na - Nahum

Ne - Nehemiah

Nu - Numbers

Ob - Obadiah

1 Pe - 1 Peter

2 Pe - 2 Peter

Phm - Philemon

Php - Philippians

Pr - Proverbs

Ps - Psalms

Rev - Revelations

Ro - Romans

Ru - Ruth

1 Sa - 1 Samuel

2 Sa - 2 Samuel

SS - Song of Songs

1 Th - 1 Thessalonians

2 Th - 2 Thessalonians

1 Ti - 1 Timothy

2 Ti - 2 Timothy

Tit - Titus

Zec - Zechariah

Zep - Zephaniah