When we give to God, our first responsibility is to be obedient to God who said through the prophet Malachi (3:10 NI)
"Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse "
"Tithe" is an old English word meaning 10%. This should be 10% of what God provides you from work or gifts or winnings, etc.
The word "whole" means all, not what is left over after giving to other places. All 10%! We are not to split our tithe up between several different places.
The word "storehouse" is understood as your church home. Not a remote ministry. Your church should be a place where you can worship God, ask questions, where they can help you if you need help and a pastor knows your name and the names of the people in your family and will help you get closer to God.
If God leads you to make a gift to Jesus Center over and above your tithe, we thank you in advance and express our appreciation for your donation. You may mail it to our mailing address and make out any checks to Jesus Center. (reminder: all donations to our church are tax deductible)
Mailing address:
Jesus Center
7026 S 92nd E Pl
Tulsa, OK 74133-4952
Email to
- Pastoring is the finest guidance in the world
- Believe the Bible the way it is written
About the Pastor of Jesus Center -
Abbreviations -
About our Church -
Our Wedding
Hearing God's Voice - Greek Miracle - We Center on Jesus - Honoring God Physically
Eye Healing Miracle * The Alphabet is from God * Family Prayer Outline * Jesus Knows the Bible and Spoke Hebrew *