
Many people pray to God desiring an immediate result. Most of the time when Jesus prayed for healing, people were healed immediately. A distinct difference is Jesus said that God told Him what to "SAY" and what to "DO". Most people do not consult God prior to praying. One illustration is found when Jesus went to a place where there were many sick people. Jesus only went to one of them, who had been sick for 38 years and he did not know who Jesus was. Jesus asked him "DO YOU WANT TO GET WELL?" After receiving a lengthy reply, Jesus said "GET UP! PICK UP YOUR MAT AND WALK" and the man was healed. As we believe what Jesus said about God guiding Him, we realize the only explanation for going to that particular man was God's guidance. As we are comfortable with receiving God's guidance or hearing God, we find that we have the requirements of successful results which Jesus describes as "IF YOU HAVE FAITH AND DO NOT DOUBT". This level of conviction that you are praying what God wants you to pray will encourage you to persist even when the results are not immediate. Jesus says, "KEEP ON ASKING AND IT WILL BE GIVEN YOU". After telling a story about a man responding to his friend's persistence, Jesus said, "CONTINUE TO ASK, AND GOD WILL GIVE TO YOU". The greatest faith is to persist in praying without seeing immediate results. A favorite modern day story is a man whose eyes were healed from wearing glasses, after praying for over 25 years. Even then the healing was not immediate as God told him to take off his glasses and his eyes kept getting better for over a year and a half before his vision was good enough to have his restriction removed from his driving license. He shares about telling someone about his healing and she said immediately, "I receive that" and took off her glasses. When he saw her a few months later and she was wearing her glasses again like before. Obeying God in faith is related to healing not acts of faith based on personal desire. 1

1. Jn 12:49; 14:31; Jn 5:2-14: Mt 27:21 (NI); Mt 7:7 (AB); Lk 11:5-9 (IC) .

note: click here for bible verse and translation abbreviations

A Psalm for reflection "Don't the wicked understand? … They do not ask Yahveh for help." Ps 14:4 (ET)

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Understanding the Teaching: What I share in the teaching is what I believe God wants me to share. All the direct quotes from God are highlighted in royal purple. Of course the words of Jesus are in red. Rather than follow some made up doctrine, remember that Jesus said that every thing He said (Jn 12:49) and everything He did (Jn 14:31) comes from God. All teachings and all opinions should be supported by what we learn from God or Jesus (see the scripture referred to in the footnote).


As couples are committed to each other, there can be personal dedication and constraint commitment. At first glance, constraint commitment which includes such things as social pressures, financial pressures, concern for the children or partner's welfare, termination procedures, moral factors, poorer alternative quality, etc. may appear to be lousy reasons for staying married but anything that helps you stay together is good, if it results in you working on your marriage. Research has shown that even in a very poor marriage the children usually benefit from their parents staying together. God said in Mal 2:16, "I hate divorce …". Regarding poorer alternative quality, Jesus discourages checking out what else is available when He says, in Mt 5:29 not to look at someone else "lustfully". If thinking that your partner will starve to death if you don't stay married, helps you stay married, I will not discourage you by suggesting anything to the contrary. The important thing as you stay married is to work on your marriage and the best way is to learn how to communicate better and resolve your problems with the skills you will learn in our Marriage Workshop.

The Better Half "When your partner won't support your efforts to make your marriage better" As you recognize that constraint commitment is helping you stay together, make use of that time by praying. Without your spouse's support to improve your marriage, you can still pray daily for God's will to be done in each of your lives and your marriage ("all things are possible with God", Mk 10:27 NI). Also make use of the opportunity of staying together by living in a manner that will improve your marriage like Jesus recommends in Lk 6:31 (TL) "Treat others as you want them to treat you".

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