2 questions: Would Jesus vote and if yes, how would Jesus vote? Although voting as we know it was not available in Jesus' day, Jesus did give us examples of cooperating with authorities or good citizenship. When confronted with paying the temple tax, Jesus paid the tax "SO THAT WE MAY NOT OFFEND THEM". In response to the Roman government, who was occupying Israel at the time, practice of forcing someone to carry a soldier's gear one mile, Jesus encouraged being a Godly witness by saying, "GO WITH HIM TWO MILES". Yes, it is possible that Jesus would have exercised good citizenship and voted. If Jesus voted, how would He vote? From Jesus' examples it appears Jesus would not have promoted His personal political position so His vote would have been a secret. Considering the election that is this Tuesday in the USA, there are two main choices. We know from comments on Facebook there are many godly, dedicated Christians that fervently support both candidates. If we quote Jesus words "BY THEIR FRUIT YOU WILL RECOGNIZE THEM" many will get excited and decide Jesus is talking about their favorite candidate. If Jesus voted, we could be sure it would have been as a result of God's guidance including which candidate He would vote for as Jesus shared, "I LOVE THE FATHER AND THAT I DO EXACTLY WHAT MY FATHER HAS COMMANDED ME". Who should we vote for? Let's follow Jesus example and totally "DENY" ourselves and our preconceived opinions or decisions about candidates and allow God to guide us how to vote. And then be obedient, even if we do not agree. 1

1. Mt 17:27; 5:41; 7:20; Jn 14:31; Mt 16:24 (NI)

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A Psalmist wrote: "May the peoples praise You, O God … because You judge the peoples with justice and guide every nation on earth." Ps 67:3-4 GN


In all marriages you have issues. Most marriages have money issues. Some may have issues of distrust or in-laws or sex, etc. Issues can represent on going subjects of disagreement in a marriage. Events are a surface happening that triggers an issue. For example, if money is tight and a bill comes (an event), the bill may trigger a disagreement about the issue of money. Or if one person has issues of distrust and the other person comes home late (an event), this can trigger an argument. When an argument is triggered it is a good to call time out and use the Speaker Listener Technique in your discussion. In some marriages, people tell me this type of discussion is almost a daily occurrence. Instead of waiting for an event to trigger an argument, it is better to discuss issues in you weekly couples meeting. Then when an event happens, the issue may already be resolved.

The Better Half "When your partner won't support your efforts to make your marriage better" Without your spouse's support to improve your marriage, you can still pray daily for God's will to be done in each of your lives and your marriage ("all things are possible with God", Mk 10:27 NI). The subject of an event triggering issues is more difficult when your partners will not work on the issue. You can help defuse volatile situations if during good times you bring up potentially volatile issues and try to resolve them when times are going good. When a spouse calls "time out", it is an opportunity for a couple to calm down before continuing the conversation at a later time (anywhere from an hour to no later than the next day) using the Speaker Listener Technique. Initially after calling time out it is an opportunity to take authority over the enemy and pray for the marriage. Example: "In the name of Jesus I command you demons to shut up and leave our marriage and not return" "Thank you God for helping our marriage be in Your will and guiding us in our relationship, in Jesus name, amen." When a spouse will not cooperate, you can still take authority over the enemy and pray for your marriage.

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