Followers of Jesus need to have Jesus' Worldview. Jesus' Worldview may be partially mentioned in statements of Christian or Biblical Worldviews which usually also contain manmade doctrines reflecting the source describing the Worldviews also some include doctrines involving bible worship or bibliolatry. Jesus' Worldview was being formed from conception, as a baby, while growing up, as an adult prior to the start of His ministry and during His ministry. Shortly after Jesus was born, He was visited by some shepherds, praising God. Then on the eighth day of His life He was circumcised (Lk 2:8-21). As Jesus became older His circumcision was a physical and visual reminder that His Jewish family was obedient to God. When He was presented or dedicated to God, the offering indicated He was in an economically poor family (Lk 2:22-24) which would have affected His worldview. During the next couple of years, His family moved to a house, He probably started walking, He was visited by some important people with expensive gifts and then suddenly His family made a trip to Egypt during the night, where they lived for several years (Mt 2:11-15). All of these events played a role in forming Jesus' worldview. When they returned from Egypt, the family lived in Nazareth where His family was originally from. By this time Jesus would be around the age where He would go to school. Unlike the rest of the world which was mostly illiterate, Jews had been reading and writing since they entered the Promised Land over 1,400 years earlier (Dt 27:2-3). When Jesus learned to read, His text book would have been the bible, which would definitely influence His Worldview, as He quoted or referred to details in scriptures over 90 times during His ministry. As He was growing up it is possible that His step father, Joseph, shared how an angel of God told Joseph about Jesus. It is also possible that His mother shared her story about her angel visit. Going to the Synagogue, at times possibly sitting with His step father, every week "as was His custom" (Lk 4:16) would have contributed to Jesus worldview as they taught from the same scriptures He was reading at home and in school. Jesus was also forming His world view by observing hypocritical conduct of some religious leaders, how loving shepherds care for their sheep, how a mother hen gathers her chicks under her wing, how weeds grow up among the wheat, how some rich people oppress poor people, how beautiful lilies grow in the field, etc. It would not be unusual for a 12 year old with above average intelligence to be able to read the entire bible and amaze people by "His understanding and answers" (Lk 2:47 KJ). During the first 12 years of His life, either God confirmed what Jesus had heard from His family or God revealed to Jesus that He was His Father so that when Jesus was in the Temple learning from more educated religious teachers than was available to Him in Nazareth by "asking them questions" and listening to them, Jesus was being "WHERE MY FATHER'S WORK IS" (Lk 2:49 IC) and that seemed more important at the moment than anything else. Jesus' Worldview of the importance of putting God first did not change when He entered active ministry as He said "MY FOOD IS TO DO THE WILL OF HIM WHO SENT ME" (Jn 4:34 NKJ) and a few hours before His execution, after asking God if there was another way, Jesus said to God, "DO WHAT YOU WANT, NOT WHAT I WANT" (Lk 22:42 IC). Jesus' Worldview was to do what God wanted.

Have the Worldview the most important thing is to do what God wants.

note: click here for bible verse and translation abbreviations

A Psalmist wrote: "How I love to do Your will, my God! I keep Your teaching in my heart" Ps 40:8 GN


There is a decrease in sensuality after marriage. Sensuality is like touching, hugging, snuggling, holding hands, light kissing, etc.. Sensuality can be some of what happens on your weekly date night. If you take a walk, hold hands. Encourage habits like hugging and kissing when leaving and coming home. A kids idea when it is okay to kiss:

Pam age 7 "When they are rich"

Curt age 7 "The law says 18, so I would want to mess with that."

If you are watching TV together, a little cuddling is good. Communicate your desires and check what your partner likes. People change. Some people know how to please their pets better than they do their spouse, try asking. Protect your sensual time together by having a weekly couples meeting.

The Better Half "When your partner won't support your efforts to make your marriage better" Without your spouse's support to improve your marriage, you can still pray daily for God's will to be done in each of your lives and your marriage ("all things are possible with God", Mk 10:27 NI). If you take a walk, hold hands. Encourage habits like hugging and kissing when leaving and coming home. If you are watching TV together, a little cuddling is good. Communicate your desires and check what your partner likes. People change. Some people know how to please their pets better than they do their spouse, try asking. Even the most selfish, self-center spouse will respond to what they like. Remember Jesus said, "Treat others the same way you want them to treat you." (Lk 6:31 NAS) When a spouse calls "time out", it is an opportunity for a couple to calm down before continuing the conversation at a later time (anywhere from an hour to no later than the next day) using the Speaker Listener Technique. Initially after calling time out it is an opportunity to take authority over the enemy and pray for the marriage. Example: "In the name of Jesus I command you demons to shut up and leave our marriage and not return" "Thank you God for helping our marriage be in Your will and guiding us in our relationship, in Jesus name, amen." When a spouse will not cooperate, you can still take authority over the enemy and pray for your marriage.

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