Many brag not so subtlety about how successfully they are. Christians are not immune to pride in worldly success. There is even the label "prosperity gospel" given to some Christians who promote earthly riches. Jesus tells us God also has a label for those people who are successful in storing up earthly riches as he called a man that did that a "FOOL". {Yes, Jesus tells us not to call someone a "FOOL" but rules for people do not apply to God.} Jesus goes on to criticize the man who develops earthly riches "BUT IS NOT RICH TOWARD GOD". Some Christians may claim as they accumulate earthly riches that they are also being rich towards God but God knows the truth. In Jesus' illustration, He tells us the rich man will lose his life. Unfortunately most people do not seem to consider the end of their life until they are convinced they are dying and some do not turn to God even when they know they are dying. Being successful with money is a false success and gives false freedom and they frequently become slaves to money. Others are successful with power over others both politically and economically. Jesus encountered a political leader near the end of His human life who bragged that he had to authority to kill Jesus. Jesus fearlessly responded "YOU HAVE AUTHORITY OVER ME ONLY BECAUSE IT WAS GIVEN TO YOU BY GOD". Being successful with authority is a false success. Others gain a sense of false success from great physical beauty or great athletic skill forgetting to give credit to God who gave them their appearance or their skills. Others develop a sense of false success, because they "MAKE A BIG SHOW … SO THAT PEOPLE WILL PRAISE THEM". 1

Any success based on impressing people instead of God is false success. How do we measure success as a follower of Jesus? Jesus tells us clearly to "BE PERFECT, JUST AS YOUR FATHER IN HEAVEN IS PERFECT". Some people make nervous jokes about this statement of being perfect, while wishing it would go away. Jesus did not tell us to do something that is not possible. For most of us who follow Jesus, we are a work in process. We can measure our success by our progress. Jesus says to a sexual sinner, "DON'T SIN AGAIN". These words need to be remembered when we sin and seek forgiveness. We are being more successful when we sin less. We are being more successful when we move from an act of sin to just the thought of sin. For example it is progress moving from committing adultery to just fantasying about adultery but we cannot stop there. We then need to overcome even the thought of sinning "SEXUALLY" until we are "TRULY FREE". We are being successful when we "FORGIVE" others and we are more successful when are able to not be offended when the same situation occurs again. Successful Christians exit opportunities of lust and un-forgiveness more quickly. We know we are making more progress when we see a person that in the past would have stimulated desires or thoughts of lust and we realize we are having no sinful reaction. We know we are making more progress when we are not offended in situations that would have offended us in the past requiring forgiveness. We are freer. For many the thought of being perfect like God seems impossible, ignoring that Jesus teaches us that "WITH GOD ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE". Consider this statement from Jesus an encouragement to ask God for help and then thank God everyday in Jesus name for helping you to be free of all sin (some may wish to specify areas of personal concern like lust, un-forgiveness, etc.) 2

1. Lk 12:16-21; Mt 5:22 (NI); Jn 19:10-11; Mt 6:2 (GN)

2. Mt 5:48; Jn 8:11; Mt 5:28; Jn 8:34; Mt 6:14 (IC); Mt 19:26 (NI)

note: click here for bible verse and translation abbreviations

A Psalm for reflection "My success --at which so many stand amazed--is because You are my mighty protector." Ps 71:7 (TL)

Understanding the Teaching: What I share in the teaching is what I believe God wants me to share. All the direct quotes from God are highlighted in royal purple. Of course the words of Jesus are in red. Rather than follow some made up doctrine, remember that Jesus said that every thing He said (Jn 12:49) and everything He did (Jn 14:31) comes from God. All teachings and all opinions should be supported by what we learn from God or Jesus (see the scripture referred to in the footnote). For those who prefer not to take the time to look up a scripture, click on the underlined hyper link to read the scripture. Example, click here for a teaching about love.


Protect your relationship by anticipating problems. It is unrealistic to not expect some problems. Onetime I had a man that just insisted that they never had any problems and never had any disagreements in their marriage. As they practiced the Speaker Listener Technique together (I insisted) they discovered the reason he thought they never had any problems or disagreements was that he never let his wife talk:. Once she was enabled to talk by using the SLT, he was actually happier. You can also protect your relationship by taking responsibility for your own behavior. Edit out negative responses. Jesus teaches us in Lk 6:31 (TL) to "Treat others as you want them to treat you." This should definitely apply to your spouse. Because two become one, when you build up your spouse you are also building up yourself and your marriage. In a cartoon a woman asked her husband, "what do you think about renewing our wedding vows?' He responded, "Let me think it over, when do they expire?" Your vows are for life. They never expire.

The Better Half "When your partner won't support your efforts to make your marriage better" Without your spouse's support to improve your marriage, you can still pray daily for God's will to be done in each of your lives and your marriage ("all things are possible with God", Mk 10:27 NI). Much of what is mention above can still be done. You can take responsibility for your own behavior, anticipative problems, edit out negative responses and treat your spouse, the same way you would want them to treat you.

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