When people sneeze, cough and/or have congestion, people in every society in the world have ways to protect themselves from exposure to harmful germs. However, most people, including most Christians, are clueless concerning protecting themselves from exposure to demonic risks. "EVIL THINGS" from demons that can hurt a person can range from sexual sins to supernatural stuff. Some exposure to demonic stuff is treated like children's games or fiction in books, movies, TV etc. such as witchcraft, Ouija boards, horoscopes, games or stories where characters have supernatural powers, etc. All supernatural power that is not from God is from demons. All religions that are not from the God of Jacob (Judaism and Christianity) are serving false gods and demonic purposes. God discourages trying "TO FIND OUT" about other religions and even the "MENTION" of the names of their gods. Some people, even very educated ones, encourage studying and/or exposure to other religions and their gods with logical and intellectual reasoning, without realizing that such activities may be offensive to the one true God and could jeopardize their eternal life. Many of us think we made a cognitive decision to follow Jesus but Jesus tells us, "PEOPLE CANNOT COME TO ME UNLESS THE FATHER WHO SENT ME DRAWS THEM TO ME". An example of a risk in inquiring about a false religion is in the one created by Mohammad that deceives people into endorsing their religion, by using a descriptive term from Arabic which means "one who submits to god". Some naively pretend demons do not exist but Jesus knew they existed and He tells us to "DRIVE OUT DEMONS IN MY NAME". If a person has been contaminated by demonic exposure, it may be helpful to use spiritual warfare . 1

1. Mk 7:23; Dt 12:30; Ex 23:13; Jn 6:44; Mk 16:17 (GN)

note: click here for bible verse and translation abbreviations

A Psalmist wrote: "love what is right and hate what is evil" Ps 45:7 (GN)

Understanding the Teaching: What I share in the teaching is what I believe God wants me to share. All the direct quotes from God are highlighted in royal purple. Of course the words of Jesus are in red. Rather than follow some made up doctrine, remember that Jesus said that every thing He said (Jn 12:49) and everything He did (Jn 14:31) comes from God. All teachings and all opinions should be supported by what we learn from God or Jesus (see the scripture referred to in the footnote).


Every week you are encouraged to have a weekly date night. It doesn't have to be something expensive. It can be a walk around the park or use a coupon for a buy 1 get 1 free hamburger or what ever you enjoy doing together to have fun. Very important that prior to your date night, maybe the night before, you have you weekly couples meeting. In your weekly couples meeting you use the Speaker Listener Technique(SLT). You start your weekly couples meeting by saying something about your partner that you appreciate or admire. And your spouse repeats it. Like, "I'm glad I married such a beautiful woman." And then she says, "You are glad you married a beautiful woman." After three statements, you share the floor and your spouse then makes three statements about what she appreciates about you. Then, if you have any issues, they are brought up and discussed using the SLT. And after all the issues are discussed, then still using the SLT you discuss what you will do on your date night. The purpose of the weekly couples meeting is to resolve any issues you have so you can enjoy your date night together without risking any unresolved issues being discussed. Also the weekly couples meeting gives you practice using the Speaker Listener Technique in the good times when you are both calm. Then, if during the week an issue comes up that you need to talk about immediately, you will be better prepared to use the SLT. REMEMBER TO HAVE A WEEKLY COUPLES MEETING PRIOR TO YOUR WEEKLY DATE NIGHT!

The Better Half "When your partner won't support your efforts to make your marriage better" Without your spouse's support to improve your marriage, you can still pray daily for God's will to be done in each of your lives and your marriage. Jesus said, "all things are possible with God", Mk 10:27 NI). Even without your spouse's cooperation you can try to schedule fun times together (suggest doing something your spouse likes to do). You can show love and kindness to your spouse. You can justify it by remembering that Jesus says "Love your neighbor" (Mk 12:31) or "Love your enemies" (Mt 5:44), which ever works best in your situation. When a spouse calls "time out", it is an opportunity for a couple to calm down before continuing the conversation at a later time (anywhere from an hour to no later than the next day) using the Speaker Listener Technique. Initially after calling time out it is an opportunity to take authority over the enemy and pray for the marriage. Example: "In the name of Jesus I command you demons to shut up and leave our marriage and not return" "Thank you God for helping our marriage be in Your will and guiding us in our relationship, in Jesus name, amen." When a spouse will not cooperate, you can still take authority over the enemy and pray for your marriage.

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