Jesus tells us "NO ONE KNOWS WHO THE FATHER IS EXCEPT THE SON AND THOSE TO WHOM THE SON CHOOSES TO REVEAL HIM". Many would like Jesus to reveal His Father to them. Unfortunately most Christians follow popular teachings in their different Christian religions that create obstacles. Some teachings deify every word in the bible even though the bible makes it very clear when God said something or Jesus or demons or Paul or Deborah, etc. Other teachings discard the bible that Jesus had and quoted frequently, by calling themselves a New Testament church and omitting thousands of comments and many actions God made as recorded in the Old Testament that help reveal Him. Other church teachings give equal weight to their opinions and manmade doctrines developed over the years to what God and Jesus said, at times conflicting and even overruling what God said. Some have made up teachings about revelations progressing which allows them to discard much of what God said and what Jesus said, resulting in them following Paul more than God or Jesus. Yes there are more obstacles but as necessary as it is to remove obstacles that may interfere, removing obstacles will not result in Jesus choosing to "REVEAL" His Father. Some of the ways we can please Jesus and be a person of choice is to be a person who "BELIEVES" in Jesus. We need to "OBEY" all of Jesus' commands which includes "LOVE YAHVEH YOUR GOD WITH ALL YOUR HEART AND WITH ALL YOUR SOUL AND WITH ALL YOUR MIND AND WITH ALL YOUR STRENGTH". Then it is good to ask Jesus to reveal His Father or thank God, for Jesus revealing Him.1
1. Lk 10:22; Jn 3:16; 15:10 (NI); Mk 12:30 (ET) :
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