When we think of the desires of our flesh, many think of sins like "ADULTERY" and "FORNICATION" and other sexual sins. Yet a key problem area is "PRIDE" which can result in many areas like desire for respect or admiration from others or great self confidence, all of which the world thinks is a good thing. Jesus is critical of people who "DO EVERYTHING SO THAT PEOPLE WILL SEE THEM… THEY LOVE THE BEST PLACES AT FEASTS … THEY LOVE TO BE GREETED WITH RESPECT". Although Jesus is criticizing religious leaders in this instance, seeking admiration from other people even self admiration can interfere with us seeking admiration from God. Jesus teaches us that if we want to follow Him we must "FORGET YOURSELF" or deny ourselves every day. We cannot give God "FIRST PLACE IN YOUR LIFE" if we have ourselves in first place or the desire for admiration of others in first place. Many successful religious leaders, many successful politicians, many successful people in general by the world's standards are people who are skilled at gaining admiration of others. Often competitive people's desire to win a race or any contest even a beauty contest is not because they want to bring honor to their creator but out of pride so others will admire them and so they can brag and feel personal pride like they are self made. 1

One way to put God first in our lives is to be proud of "OUR FATHER IN HEAVEN" who created us and has done many wonderful things which are recorded in our bible. Unfortunately there are many highly educated Christians who know a lot about God and the bible who have doubts about some of the stories. When we encounter such people it is good to remember that God's son, Jesus, knew stories about the flood with "NOAH" and "JONAH" with a big fish and other stories to be true. We can be proud that God, at a time when the most advanced civilizations in humanity were using pictorial writing for communication, gave humanity the first alphabet which has had a major impact on every area of progress in civilization as we know it today. We can also be proud of God because of the miracles He has done in our lives . Blessings and miracles from God are so wonderful we like to share them with everyone like a proud child who brags about his dad. Do not be discouraged if some people do not accept the truth about Jesus and how wonderful "OUR FATHER IN HEAVEN" is, as Jesus tells us "PEOPLE CANNOT COME TO ME UNLESS THE FATHER WHO SENT ME DRAWS THEM TO ME". Whether people believe us or not we can keep bragging as the one true "GOD OF JACOB" who has a son named Jesus is awesome.2

1. Mk 7:21-22 (NRS); Mt 23:5-7; Lk 9:23 (GN); Mt 6:33 (TL)

2. Mt 6:9; 24:37; 12:39; Jn 6:44 (GN); Mt 22:32 (NI)

note: click here for bible verse and translation abbreviations

A Psalm for reflection "The wicked do not care about the LORD; in their pride they think that God doesn't matter." Ps 10:4 (GN)

Understanding the Teaching: What I share in the teaching is what I believe God wants me to share. All the direct quotes from God are highlighted in royal purple. Of course the words of Jesus are in red. Rather than follow some made up doctrine, remember that Jesus said that every thing He said (Jn 12:49) and everything He did (Jn 14:31) comes from God. All teachings and all opinions should be supported by what we learn from God or Jesus (see the scripture referred to in the footnote).


God stated in Genesis 2:24 and Jesus quoted it in Mark 10:8 (NIV) that when two people get married "…the two will become one…". Functioning as one and being a team of two that works together is one of the main things we help people accomplish in our workshop. From God's viewpoint, it appears He treats married couples as one. In the story of Job, Satan was not allowed to kill Job and all of his family members were destroyed but not his wife (Job 1-2:9). To become one spiritually, it is good for a couple to talk about their spiritual views. If you have different views it is good to discuss them and may be a good time to use the Speaker Listener Technique. Unlike most discussions in your marriage, just because you as a couple agree doesn't make it correct before God. It is good to support your opinions with what Jesus or God said. It is good for you to have family prayers together, worship God together in the same church, and even share a ministry together. That may sound heavy but I knew a couple who had no children and had been married over twenty years who helped in the nursery together in a large church. That was a nice way to share a ministry together.

The Better Half "When your partner won't support your efforts to make your marriage better" Without your spouse's support to improve your marriage, you can still pray daily for God's will to be done in each of your lives and your marriage ("all things are possible with God", Mark 10:27 NIV). From God's viewpoint it appears He treats married couples as one. In the story of Job, Satan was not allowed to hurt Job and all of his family members were destroyed but not his wife, who did not appear to be a supportive spouse. For you to function as one as a couple does require both of you to make an effort. You should develop your personal relationship with God, as that is an individual thing. In addition to praying for your spouse and encouraging them to be closer to God you can live your life as a good example. It may be hard to encourage your spouse to get closer to God, if you do not set a godly example. When a spouse calls "time out", it is an opportunity for a couple to calm down before continuing the conversation at a later time (anywhere from an hour to no later than the next day) using the Speaker Listener Technique. Initially after calling time out it is an opportunity to take authority over the enemy and pray for the marriage.

Example: "In the name of Jesus I command you demons to shut up and leave our marriage and not return" "Thank you God for helping our marriage be in Your will and guiding us in our relationship, in Jesus name, amen." When a spouse will not cooperate, you can still take authority over the enemy and pray for your marriage.

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