Jesus tells us "IN THE BEGINNING GOD MADE A MAN AND A WOMAN. THAT'S WHY A MAN LEAVES HIS FATHER AND MOTHER AND GETS MARRIED. HE BECOMES LIKE ONE PERSON WITH HIS WIFE" (Mk 10:6-8 CE). From Jesus' viewpoint marriage is as basic as creation. He made this statement as part of a response speaking against divorce. Remember God said "I HATE DIVORCE" (Mal 2:16 NI). Many people including some Christians will justify living together before married by claiming they are preparing for marriage or trying to prevent a divorce even though research has shown that people who live together before marriage are more likely to be divorced. In addition to ignoring valid research, some Christians ignore Jesus, who considers "FORNICATION" (Mk 7:21 NRS) a sin, to excuse satisfying their lustful desires. One time Jesus was talking to a woman who had apparently been married and divorced five times and He told her "THE MAN YOU ARE NOW LIVING WITH IS NOT YOUR HUSBAND" (Jn 4:18 AMP), making it clear that living together is not the same as marriage. As Jesus told one woman in a different situation "LEAVE YOUR LIFE OF SIN" (Jn 8:11 NI), some people need to move apart or get married (and stay married). Many Christians would work harder on staying married if they believed what Jesus teaches about "FORNICATION". Reminder: to help those who want to have a more enjoyable marriage in the Tulsa area, we have a 6 week workshop (it helped my marriage after 30 years of marriage) and/or it can enable you to have discount on your marriage license. Also, we have people all over the world who receive our Marriage Workshop Moment by email which is different every week for 5 months
note: click here for bible verse and translation abbreviations
A Psalmist wrote: "Don't let me want to do evil or join others in doing wrong. Don't let me eat with those who do evil." Ps 141:4 IC
There are many kinds of stress. Events you can see coming, like a visit, events you cannot see coming, like a sudden illness and ongoing stress, like a job. Stress can affect your body like interfere with sleep, it can affect your mind like make you more irritability and it can affect your relationships like increase arguing. To be set free from stress, first focus on everything good that has happened to you from your earliest memory and as you write them down, praise God for each event all the way to present. Then make a second list and write down every unpleasant memory from the earliest to present, including what is causing the current stress. As you start over from the beginning of the list, imagine that you are handing each subject to God with Jesus' help. If you need to forgive, say, "I forgive ____ in Jesus' name, amen." If it is an on going problem like your job or your marriage as you give it to God, thank Him by saying, "Thank You God for taking this _______ from me in Jesus name amen." As you give everything to God remember that Jesus said, " Give to God what is God's" Mk 12:17 (NI). Everything belongs to God, even the bad stuff and He is more than capable of disposing of trash or cleaning up problems. As you use Jesus' help by using His name remember that Jesus said, "if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed" Jn 8:36 (NI). If your spouse is a source of stress, forgive your spouse and give your spouse to God. God is more than capable of improving your marriage and helping your spouse become less stressful in your life. Once you do that and your spouse upsets you, complain to God (not your spouse) and seek God's guidance.
The Better Half "When your partner won't support your efforts to make your marriage better" Without your spouse's support to improve your marriage, you can still pray daily for God's will to be done in each of your lives and your marriage. Jesus said, "all things are possible with God", Mk 10:27 NI). The above teaching on being free from stress and other memories does not require a spouse's support. If your spouse is a source of stress, forgive your spouse and give your spouse to God. God is more than capable of improving your marriage and helping your spouse become less stressful in your life. Once you do that and your spouse upsets you, complain to God (not your spouse) and seek God's guidance.
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